Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Return.

It is with humble gratitude that I, the intrepid truth-teller known only as the Lizard, return to you, dear readers. Having received dozens of emails as to my whereabouts, it is clear there are many who wish to know the truth, and I cannot deny my loyal readers.

Where have I been? Deep in the lair of the beast, hiding for fear of being discovered. The wrath of the gods was working its way toward your humble Lizard, and hiding was the only way to protect myself and ensure that the truth about Mozilla could still be told.

But be not afraid, dear reader. I bring you good news and great leaks from deep inside the beast known as Mozilla.

In case there was any doubt, I am not Mike Schroepfer.


  1. And now, I begin.

  2. I got new mozilla firfox laptop it had few issues right now in the process to send the computer for repair.
    Mozilla Firefox Support please visit the link.

    Lacy Brown
